Address for Donating

Hello All! It’s been a week since I posted and I’m sorry. One of our dogs went missing this week and I’ve been hanging signs in town and walking the woods looking for him. I’ve cried for days missing my baby.

But that aside I have started making hats for donating. The first one I did is a bright pink and light pink striped. I think it turned out cute. I will post a pic of it as well.

I have told several friends and coworkers about this blog and what I’m doing. Several have said they would like to help but don’t know how to knit or crochet. One suggested that she would tell the ladies at her church and get them to help by sending yarn for us to use to make the hats. So if I get yarn donated then I will have to send some out to whoever would willing to make hats.

As of right now and knowing that some changes are coming up soon in my personal life I do not have an address for donating hats other than my home address. I do not want to post my home address up on a website for the world to see! So if you have hats to donate if you would leave your email address in a comment below I will email you the address for where to send hats. If you don’t want to leave it in a comment that’s fine too. Just email me that you are interested and we will go from there.

My email address is

Thank you all for you interest in this blog. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!




My first goal is 50 hats! As of right now I have 2 volunteers not including myself to make 10 hats. If anyone is willing to help by making hats please leave a comment so I can get a count.

Also I was thinking about how the hats will feel on a cold bald head. Sometimes when we makes stuff we like we aren’t really concerned how it is going to feel. When we put a hat on our heads with hair we can’t tell if it scratches and itches or not. Try to use a soft yarn so it will feel good for a head without hair.

I’m super excited about this first goal. I really think it can be done!!

Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or will help out with making hats.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I am new at this so any advice would be helpful.

Thanks to everyone in advance for help!

Lets get started

Hi! I’m Melinda.

Ok this is a first for me so bare with me while I figure this out. I will talk more about myself and my family as I go along with this blog but for now this is why I’m here. I started this blog for my family and friends that have been diagnosed with cancer and will have to start chemo. I want to be able to reach out and get others involved in donating knit and crochet hats for chemo patients. I read today that 650,000 Americans receive chemo each year. That is a lot! More that I would have thought.

I will be posting where to donate the hats later so if you are reading this now please start making hats for donating. Thanks!